Pierre Administration Pioneers First Ever Minimum Wage in St Lucia!


Prime Minister Honorable Phillip J Pierre announced the first ever minimum wage in St Lucia, during recent Emancipation Day commemorations held on 1 August 2024.

The unprecedented Minimum Wage will notably come into effect on 1 October 2024, representing long-awaited pay regulations for St Lucian workers. Pierre proclaimed that our ancestors “would be proud if we built a society of Equity and Justice”.

The Prime Minister cited this as inspiration for his administration’s implementation of Minimum and Livable Wage. Embodying his ‘putting people first’ ethos, he added: “No worker will earn less that $1,130 per month, or $52 per day, or $6.52 per hour.”

Via his notable address, Prime Minister Pierre urged employers to “accept the coming act for greater equity in our society”. He further discouraged employers from “any attempt to lay off workers” and to instead ‘reward them’ as part of this process.

Minister for Public Services and Labor, Honorable Virginia Albert Poyotte, echoed this appeal at a recent Press Briefing. She stated that where applicable, service charge and other commissions “are not included in the wage” but are “in addition to the basic wage”. She further added that employers have time ahead of 1 October to make the necessary adjustments.

A staggering 13,000 St Lucians are expected to benefit immediately with salary increases as a direct result once the Minimum Wage comes into effect this October.

Photo Credit: LeapScholar.com