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HomeNewsPolice Inspector Shares Essential Safety Tips Before and After a Storm

Police Inspector Shares Essential Safety Tips Before and After a Storm

Inspector Shervon Matthieu urges residents to be prepared and vigilant during stormy weather.

As storm season approaches, Police Inspector Shervon Matthieu urges residents to take proactive measures to ensure their safety before, during, and after severe weather events. With years of experience in emergency management, Inspector Matthieu emphasizes the importance of staying informed, preparing an emergency kit, and taking precautions to safeguard life and property.

 Before a Storm:

Inspector Matthieu advises residents to stay informed by monitoring weather updates and alerts issued by local authorities or meteorological agencies. These updates provide vital information about approaching storms and offer valuable safety precautions. Following these instructions will help individuals make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to protect themselves and their families.

Preparing an emergency kit is another critical step that Inspector Matthieu emphasizes. This kit should include essential items such as flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, non-perishable food, water, medications, a first aid kit, and extra clothing and blankets. A well-stocked emergency kit readily available can prove invaluable during power outages or in evacuation.

Securing one’s property is equally essential in storm preparedness. Inspector Matthieu advises residents to trim trees and shrubs near their homes to minimize the risk of falling branches or trees causing damage during high winds. Additionally, securing loose items in yards, such as patio furniture or garden tools, can prevent them from becoming dangerous projectiles. Reinforcing windows, doors, and garage doors will also help make them more resistant to storm damage.

Identifying safe areas within the home is crucial for residents to seek shelter during a storm. Inspector Matthieu recommends selecting interior rooms on the ground floor, away from windows, as the safest areas. In cases where a basement is available, it is an ideal location for taking cover during severe weather.

During a Storm:

Inspector Matthieu emphasizes the importance of staying indoors during a storm unless necessary. Seeking shelter in the home or a designated safe location protects individuals from hazards like flying debris or falling objects.

Residents should remain tuned to local radio or television stations for updates and instructions from authorities. These updates will provide information on evacuation orders, if necessary, and offer guidance on how to stay safe during the storm.

To prevent damage to electrical devices, Inspector Matthieu advises residents to unplug unnecessary equipment during the storm. This precaution safeguards devices from power surges due to lightning strikes or other electrical disturbances. It is advisable to use phones, computers, and other electrical equipment only when necessary.

In areas prone to flooding, Inspector Matthieu urges caution. Heavy rainfall accompanying a storm can lead to flash floods, especially in low-lying areas. Residents should avoid driving through flooded roads or walking through floodwaters. Instead, move to higher ground if necessary and wait for authorities to declare it safe.

After a Storm:

Inspector Matthieu reminds residents to proceed cautiously when venturing outside after a storm. Fallen power lines, debris, and other hazards may pose risks to personal safety. It is essential to be observant and immediately report any emergencies, such as downed power lines or gas leaks, to the appropriate authorities.

Checking on neighbors, friends, and family members, particularly older people, or those with disabilities, is an act of community care. Inspector Matthieu encourages residents to ensure their safety and well-being, helping or notifying authorities if someone requires help.

Unfortunately, storms can attract unscrupulous individuals seeking to take advantage of vulnerable situations. Inspector Matthieu advises residents to be aware of potential scams during the chaotic aftermath of a storm. It is essential to exercise caution when dealing with contractors, repair services, or individuals helping. Verify their credentials and work only with reputable professionals to avoid falling victim to fraud.

In conclusion, Inspector Shervon Matthieu reminds residents to follow these safety guidelines to protect themselves and their communities. By staying informed, being prepared, and taking precautions, individuals can effectively navigate the challenges of storms and emerge safely on the other side.

Photo: Media Stock

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