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“People Don’t Eat Jazz!” – Opposition Says In Regards To 8M Spent On Festival

The United Workers Party (UWP) says “people don’t eat jazz” in regard to claims made by Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre and tourism minister Dr. Earnest Hilaire that a total of 8 million dollars was spent on the Jazz and Arts Festival. 

On Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 The opposition party took to social media to voice their concerns. 

“The SLP Government’s decision to spend $8 million on a jazz festival has sparked widespread criticism, with many questioning why this money isn’t being used to help citizens who are struggling due to inflation. While the festival may provide some entertainment value, it’s difficult to justify spending such a significant amount of money on a non-essential event when there are pressing needs within the country that require immediate attention.

One of the most significant issues facing citizens today is inflation. Prices for everyday goods and services are skyrocketing, and many people are struggling to make ends meet. Instead of addressing this problem directly, the government has chosen to divert funds to a jazz festival that, while it may be enjoyable for some, does nothing to address the underlying issues that are causing hardship for so many.

Furthermore, the decision to spend such a large amount of money on a single event raises questions about the government’s priorities. If the government can find $8 million for a jazz festival, why can’t it find funds to address the many urgent needs facing its citizens? For example, many people are struggling to pay for healthcare, education, and basic necessities like food and housing. These are fundamental needs that should take priority over a luxury event!” they expressed. 

Photo: Facebook.com

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